
May 7, 2008

Intro to Tech

Filed under: computers, expanding technology, impact of technology, teaching with technology — chinchilla1511 @ 10:38 am

To quote a great movie: “I guess that’s what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning” (Mr. & Mrs. Smith). I find that to be true with every course I take. And not just because most professors ask for your thoughts on the course as a whole, but because it helps me reflect and discover any paradigm shifts that occurred in one single semester. Upon entering this class, I will admit, I thought I might be slightly bored. I know more than the average person about technology and I was hoping that “Intro to Technology” wasn’t another name for “Computers for Dummies.” Surprisingly, not only did I learn A LOT more than I thought I would, but even if I already knew how to use something, I was able to learn how to utilize that tool in a way that will benefit in a classroom. There were so many things that I will be able to take away from this course and actually use in real life. One thing that I have realized, oddly enough because I did my research paper on the topic, is that through this weekly blogging, my writing has gotten better. My grammer, punctuation, capitilization and short hand words have all improved. I can actually hit spell check before posting a blog without having it underline tons of stuff in red!!! Yay for me!! 

1 Comment »

  1. You know what I find most encouraging from your post? It is that even though you came into the course with a great deal of technological knowledge and comfort, in your words, “I was able to learn how to utilize that tool in a way that will benefit in a classroom”. That to me says it all. This is why I try to make everything we do more than just learning the tool… but think about how it can be used for teaching and learning in the classroom. Without that component, this would simply be a course on learning technology – NOT what teachers need for the most part. Without the curricular connections, you would come away bored or having learned some new technologies. These new skills would probably have very little impact on your teaching and the curriculum. So, “Yay for You!”

    Comment by Stephen Ransom — May 7, 2008 @ 11:50 am

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