
February 2, 2008

Microsoft Word

Filed under: Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word — chinchilla1511 @ 9:54 am

As much as I love using the computer, Microsoft Word is not really my thing.  I use it for writing papers or other simple tasks, but that’s pretty much it.  This week’s class was kind of a refresher for me.  I have not used those features of Word in a very long time.  Anytime I need a worksheet or flyer created, I use Power Point.  Microsoft Power Point is my go-to program.  I find it easier to use for those kinds of things because everything is by itself; the text boxes, the graphics, etc.  There is no confusion like in Word where you have to change the picture to wrap around the text, or you get frustrated because you inserted something and all of a sudden your Word document looks completely different than it did two seconds ago.  I have a feeling if I took the time to understand Word more, I would begin to use it for brochures and ditto sheets more often, but for right now, I’ll stick to Power Point.

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