
February 21, 2008

Technology at its finest

Filed under: expanding technology, teaching with technology, Will Richardson — chinchilla1511 @ 3:46 pm

Today I experienced one of the Internet’s most annoying features.  You know, when you’re at an important part of your Internet search and all of a sudden that box pops up that says “Internet Explorer is shutting down – – ‘Send error report’ or ‘Don’t send error report.'”  I think that box is dreadful.  I was about 47 minutes through that one hour Will Richardson speech when that happened to me.  Of course it couldn’t happen 13 minutes later when I had finished watching the video.  Personally, I think that the video was very poorly made and I couldn’t hear/see what was going on very well.  So, afterwards I decided to read parts of Will’s blog, since I am more of a visual person than an audio person anyways.  When you click on ‘ed blogs,’ it’s amazing how much information is in there.  This can be so helpful to a teacher who is interested in learning more about how to use technology in the classroom but doesn’t know where/how to start.  I think that every school needs someone like Will to present to the school’s educators and give tutorials on technology in the classroom.  Our society is becoming more and more technology based…why not our classrooms as well?

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