
April 27, 2008


Filed under: computers, impact of technology, teaching with technology — chinchilla1511 @ 12:27 pm

Podcasting was another one of those terms that I had yet to hear about before entering this class. I saw the word “Podcasts” in my ITunes, but I never knew what it meant, never cared to explore it. Then I realized the educational benefits to it. For example, when students write a research paper knowing that the only person who will read it is their teacher, they will not put as much effort into the paper as they would if they knew it would be broadcasted online. All people, children included, take pride in their work (or at least, they should). Knowing that something could be seen (or heard in this case) by millions of people, including family, friends, peers, other teachers, and complete strangers makes you want to work your hardest on whatever the task is. Another way that podcasting could be beneficial is that it could help cut down on plagerism. How likely is a student to buy a paper, copy/paste without citing, or steal someone else’s thoughts/words when they know that it will be podcasted? I have a feeling that knowing it will be podcasted online will make students think twice before cheating.

**Using Garage Band was probably the highlight of my week. Not having a Mac computer, I have never experienced Garage Band. I know that if I did have a Mac, I would probably have made my own mix tape using Garage Band by now though….

1 Comment »

  1. GarageBand is one of my favorite applications on the Mac. It is so flexible and has so many curriculum possibilities. Glad you connected with it.

    Comment by Stephen Ransom — April 29, 2008 @ 7:51 pm

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